structures [59 Matches]
| Mersey Street School | Mersey Street,
Northern Ireland |
| Provincial Bank of Ireland | 33 Massey Avenue. Belfast,
Northern Ireland |
| Loughloughan Barn | Broughshane,
Co Antrim,
Northern Ireland |
| | Belfast, Northern Ireland |
| Blackrock House | Kilrea, Co Londonderry, Northern Ireland |
| Fliphouse | Orlock Point,
Co Down,
Northern Ireland |
| Windmill House | 12 Windmill Road,
Co Down,
Northern Ireland |
| The Slipway Housing Scheme | Donaghadee, Co Down, Northern Ireland |
| Ellenvale | Co Down, Northern Ireland |
| Woodbrook | Brokerstown Village, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland |
[... show 49 more] |
documents [197 Matches | select documents to add to marked list] [expanded view]
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