structures [132 Matches]
| Clifton House | North Queen Street,
Northern Ireland |
| The Tholsel | Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Kilkenny Castle | Dukesmeadows, Co Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Kilkenny Courthouse | Kilkenny,
Co Kilkenny,
Republic of Ireland |
| Archdekin House | Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Butler House | Patrick Street, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Club House Hotel | Patrick Street, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Greens's Bridge | Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| John's Bridge | Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
| Kilkenny College | Castlecomer Road, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland |
[... show 122 more] |
documents [70 Matches | select documents to add to marked list] [expanded view]
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