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Book TitleA history of council housing in 100 estates
Chapter TitleDivis Flats, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Book AuthorBoughton, John
PublisherRIBA Publishing
Contentaerial views, photos, text
OrganisationNorthern Ireland Housing Trust ; John Laing Construction Company
Note(s)The Pound Loney district of decayed terrace housing in West Belfast was redeveloped as 12 seven and eight-storey 'Sectra' system-built blocks and Divis Tower. They were connected by balcony walkways to enable quicker movement between the blocks, above ground level. The prefabricated construction quickly led to a myriad of problems, and the buildings became embroiled in the politics of the area.
Subject(s)flats ; slums ; Troubles ; prefabricated buildings ; cladding ; asbestos ; public housing ; social housing
QUB LocationSearch QUB Library Catalogue

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