e.g. housing supply

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[Housing] Challenging times for Northern Ireland Housing Executive : the executive faces upheaval as trend for partnerships and private finance gathers momentum (December 1996 / January 1997)Journal Article
[Housing] Time to act (June 2002)Journal Article
[Housing] The ant and the elephant (May 1993)Journal Article
[Housing] Power sharing : the Executive and associations in the 1990s (November 1989)Journal Article
[Housing] Divided lives: the Northern Ireland Housing Executive is dramatically improving social housing, but families made homeless by paramilitary intimidation are putting a major strain on its resources (November 2001)Journal Article
[Housing] Harbingers of hope: [a look] back at the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's 30 years of providing 'good housing and dignity for everyone, regardless of their background' (November 2001)Journal Article
[Housing] Housing in Northern Ireland : databank / factfile (March 1999)Journal Article
[Housing] NIHE : building homes and hopes (March 1984)Journal Article
[Housing] Getting the right balance (March 1984)Journal Article
[Housing] On the line (July / August 1998)Journal Article
[Housing] A monolith in a divided community (September 1986)Journal Article
[Housing] Housing advice in Northern Ireland (May 1983)Journal Article
[Housing] Sensitive renewal plans for Belfast (February 1983)Journal Article
[Housing] Nigel Dodds : Northern Ireland's new minister for social development (February 2000)Journal Article
[Housing] Higher profile for Irish gypsies (February 1998)Journal Article
[Housing] Down and out in Dublin (September 1998)Journal Article
[Housing] Art houses (July / August 2000)Journal Article