e.g. church wexford

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 Wexford County HallWexford, Republic of Ireland

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documents [33 Matches | select documents to add to marked list] [expanded view] [sort by date]

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[Local authority times] Local government indicators demonstrate positive trends (Autumn 2007)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Green paper to open a new front in local government reform (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Local government : the next five years? (Spring / Summer 2009)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Democracy Commission proposes changes to local government and its role in Irish democracy (Winter 2005)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Programme for Government heralds local reform (Autumn 2007)Journal Article
[Local authority times] New report on local and regional government (Autumn 2007)Journal Article
[Local authority times] OECD review of the public sector - some highlights for local government (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] The Lisbon Treaty - the local angle (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Local government and the climate change challenge (Winter 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Local authorities must guarantee equal treatment in housing policy (Autumn 2007)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Moving from road to rail, bus, bike and tram - implications for local authorities (Autumn / Winter 2009)Journal Article
[Local authority times] A new regional authority for the Greater Dublin Area to oversee land-use planning and transport (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Waste Management Bill 2001 poses questions concerning local discretion (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] The mayor essentials - experience abroad (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] The role of landscape professionals in the Irish public sector (Autumn 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] An Bord Pleanala signals warning over excessive zoning and specific developments (Winter 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Transforming public services programme - overhauling our public service (Spring / Summer 2009)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Wexford's heritage cherished (March 1993)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Details of the sixth environmental action programme unveiled (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Major increase in national and non-national road allocation (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] New urban and village renewal scheme launched (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] EPA reports describe progress in waste management, drinking water quality and urban waste water discharges (Summer 2001)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Transport 21 - Advance priorities for transport projects for the next National Development Plan? (Winter 2005)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Taking estates in charge - a solution for unfinished housing schemes (Autumn 2005)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Successful apartment living: combating urban sprawl (Autumn 2007)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Major OECD review sets framework for future reform (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Minister launches series of new planning initiatives (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] 'Future shock' for Ireland's gateways (Spring-Summer 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] New housing bill and strategy on homeless (Autumn 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] National traffic model for Ireland (Autumn 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Water shortages predicted by 2013 - new delivery mechanisms? (Winter 2008)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Quality of life in gateways, regions, counties, cities and towns (Spring / Summer 2009)Journal Article
[Local authority times] Water Services Act (Spring / Summer 2009)Journal Article
[... show 13 more]