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[Local economy] Bringing cheer to a depressed economy : economic development in Northern Ireland (May 1987)Journal Article
[Local economy] The Northern Ireland economy : a time for institutional change (February 1993)Journal Article
[Local economy] Managing change in Northern Ireland's rural economy (May 1994)Journal Article
[Local economy] The other crisis: restoring competitiveness to Northern Ireland's regional economy (2001)Journal Article
[Local economy] Northern Ireland: the development context (2001)Journal Article
[Local economy] New initiatives: towards internal cohesion - the role of local government in economic development under the EU Single Programme in Northern Ireland (February 2000)Journal Article
[Local economy] Partnerships and policy in Northern Ireland (2001)Journal Article
[Local economy] Optimism versus realism : economic development in Northern Ireland : a reply to Mike Morrissey and Frank Gaffikin (February 1988)Journal Article
[Local economy] Popular planning in Northern Ireland: a viable alternative (August 1987)Journal Article
[Local economy] Research and technological development in Northern Ireland (February 1995)Journal Article
[Local economy] Regional financial sector growth and policy issues: the case of Northern Ireland (November 1989)Journal Article
[Local economy] Property-led regeneration and job creation: the Belfast case (May 1995)Journal Article
[Local economy] The International Fund for Ireland : some findings on its pattern of expenditure (May 1996)Journal Article
[Local economy] Shaping a regional vision: the case of Northern Ireland (2001)Journal Article
[Local economy] Regional development : an integrated approach? (2001)Journal Article
[Local economy] Northern Ireland : democratizing for development (2001)Journal Article