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[Planning practice and research] Land-use planning and traveller-gypsies : towards non-prejudicial practice (February 2008)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Ireland’s new National Planning Framework : (re)balancing and (re)conceiving planning for the twenty-first century? (October 2018)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Policy convergence, divergence and communities: the case of spatial planning in post-devolution Britain and Ireland (2014)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Area-based partnerships and engaging the community sector: lessons from rural development practice in Northern Ireland (November 2003)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Planning and community-led rural development in Northern Ireland (November 1997)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Utilizing an urban-regional model (MOLAND) for testing the planning and provision of wastewater treatment capacity in the Dublin region 2006-2026 (2012)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Place visions and representational landscapes: 'reading' Stormont in Belfast and the Palast der Republik in Berlin (1998)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Integration and division : sharing and segregating in Belfast (1996)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] City visioning and the turn to community : the case of Derry / Londonderry (2001)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] The story of Temple Bar: creating Dublin's cultural quarter (1995)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Evaluating the community impacts of urban policy (1998)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] Urban Development Grant: a trigger for economic and environmental regeneration (Winter 1992)Journal Article
[Planning practice and research] The social turn and urban development corporations (November 2005)Journal Article