journals list
This list comprises journals currently and previously indexed.
For information on holdings for journals currently or previously indexed and on title changes, please consult QUB and UCD library catalogues which can be accessed below.
- 2G : revista internacional de arquitectura [1 article]
- A + T [1 article]
- A + U : architecture and urbanism [63 articles]
- A+D : architecture + detail [61 articles]
- A10 : new European architecture [38 articles]
- AA files [3 articles]
- AAI news [1 article]
- AC fibrecement review [4 articles]
- AC international asbestos cement review [7 articles]
- Acier stahl steel [2 articles]
- Acoustics bulletin [1 article]
- Administration [44 articles]
- AGA broadsheet [1 article]
- AJ Focus [2 articles]
- AJ Specification [1 article]
- Annals of the Association of American Geographers [1 article]
- Annexe [17 articles]
- Apollo [4 articles]
- Arca [L'Arca] [1 article]
- Archaeology Ireland [229 articles]
- Archidea [5 articles]
- Archidea : special edition [2 articles]
- Archis [4 articles]
- Architect [5 articles]
- Architect and building news [3 articles]
- Architects [11 articles]
- Architects' journal [299 articles]
- Architectura [1 article]
- Architectural design [37 articles]
- Architectural design & construction [1 article]
- Architectural forum [1 article]
- Architectural history [8 articles]
- Architectural history : journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain [2 articles]
- Architectural Journal [1 article]
- Architectural record [21 articles]
- Architectural review [113 articles]
- Architectural survey [190 articles]
- Architecture [6 articles]
- Architecture + Competitions [2 articles]
- Architecture d'aujourd'hui [7 articles]
- Architecture Francais [1 article]
- Architecture in Ireland [37 articles]
- Architecture Ireland [1718 articles]
- Architecture today [62 articles]
- Architektur + Wettbewerbe [11 articles]
- Archivium hibernicum [1 article]
- ARCLIB bulletin [1 article]
- Arq : architectural research quarterly [9 articles]
- Art libraries journal [2 articles]
- Arts in Ireland [1 article]
- Arup journal [22 articles]
- ASCHB : Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings transactions [2 articles]
- Atlas : journal of the Dublin University Geographical Society [6 articles]
- Axis [3 articles]
- Bauen + Wohnen [1 article]
- Bauen und wohnen [2 articles]
- Baumeister [6 articles]
- Bealoideas [1 article]
- Beyond the hall door [1 article]
- Blueprint [2 articles]
- Bouw [1 article]
- BRE news [1 article]
- Brick bulletin [9 articles]
- Brickwork design magazine [1 article]
- BS news [28 articles]
- Build [285 articles]
- Build your own house and home [11 articles]
- Builder [1 article]
- Building [89 articles]
- Building and contract journal [15 articles]
- Building construction and engineering [59 articles]
- Building contracts journal [1 article]
- Building design [165 articles]
- Building material [129 articles]
- Building research and practice [1 article]
- Building science [1 article]
- Building services journal [5 articles]
- Building services news [5 articles]
- Building specification [3 articles]
- Building trades journal [5 articles]
- Built environment [75 articles]
- Built environment quarterly [1 article]
- Bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society [37 articles]
- Burlington magazine [1 article]
- Business and finance [2 articles]
- Business outlook and economic review [1 article]
- Casabella [6 articles]
- Causeway [2 articles]
- Chartered municipal engineer [1 article]
- Chartered quantity surveyor [3 articles]
- Chartered surveyor weekly [8 articles]
- Cities: international journal of urban policy and planning [3 articles]
- City [9 articles]
- City business [2 articles]
- Clogher record [2 articles]
- Commentary [18 articles]
- Community development journal [3 articles]
- Community forum [1 article]
- Concrete [6 articles]
- Concrete quarterly [29 articles]
- Construct Ireland [394 articles]
- Construction [1006 articles]
- Construction : Top 50 [2 articles]
- Construction and property news [605 articles]
- Construction history [1 article]
- Context [2 articles]
- Cornerstone [1 article]
- Council review [482 articles]
- Country life [242 articles]
- Countryside recreation [3 articles]
- County Louth archaeological and historical journal [1 article]
- Design [6 articles]
- Designer's journal [2 articles]
- Detail [17 articles]
- Detail : review of architecture and construction details [3 articles]
- Dimensions [11 articles]
- Docomomo [1 article]
- Domus [20 articles]
- Dublin builder [31 articles]
- Dublin historical record [177 articles]
- Dublin penny journal [2 articles]
- Dwell [1 article]
- Economic and social review [1 article]
- Economic outlook and business review [6 articles]
- Ecotech [1 article]
- Education environment [8 articles]
- Ekistics [7 articles]
- EMI : environmental management Ireland [251 articles]
- Energy update [21 articles]
- Engineers' journal [27 articles]
- Environment and planning A [12 articles]
- Environment and planning C: government and policy [7 articles]
- Environment and planning D: society and space [2 articles]
- Environment bulletin [46 articles]
- Environmental conservation [1 article]
- Environmental fact sheets [3 articles]
- EPA newsletter [14 articles]
- Estates gazette [4 articles]
- European building [122 articles]
- European journal of housing policy [1 article]
- European planning studies [26 articles]
- Facet [1 article]
- Fiosru [15 articles]
- Fire prevention [5 articles]
- Forgnan : journal of the Building Centre Dublin [16 articles]
- Forma 21 : the magazine for the creative architectural, engineering and construction business [30 articles]
- Forma interiors [5 articles]
- Fortnight [2 articles]
- Freeman's Journal [1 article]
- GA Document: international 2019 [1 article]
- Garden history [3 articles]
- Geographical review [1 article]
- Georgian Group report and journal [1 article]
- Glass age [2 articles]
- Global environmental politics [1 article]
- GPA Irish arts review yearbook [1 article]
- GPDA biennial review and outlook 2000-01 [1 article]
- Graticule [1 article]
- Green places [1 article]
- HD : hospital development [1 article]
- Heritage newsletter [1 article]
- Heritage outlook [33 articles]
- Heritage review [79 articles]
- Highway engineer [2 articles]
- Highways and transportation [1 article]
- Home builders [2 articles]
- House + design [97 articles]
- House and garden [7 articles]
- House and home : the Irish interiors magazine [3 articles]
- House builder [7 articles]
- Housing [17 articles]
- Housing and planning review [3 articles]
- Housing review [30 articles]
- Housing studies [20 articles]
- Housing times [183 articles]
- ICOMOS information [1 article]
- Icon [2 articles]
- ICSH briefing bulletin [6 articles]
- Illustrated London news [1 article]
- Image interiors [19 articles]
- Innovating Times [1 article]
- Innovation [1 article]
- Insite [65 articles]
- Institute of British Geographers transactions [2 articles]
- Interiors [1 article]
- Interiors for architects and designers [2 articles]
- International architect [1 article]
- International journal of ambient energy [2 articles]
- International journal of urban and regional research [12 articles]
- International planning studies [3 articles]
- Introspect [5 articles]
- Ireland today [1 article]
- Ireland's homebuild and renovate [1 article]
- Ireland's homes interiors and living [14 articles]
- Iris [43 articles]
- Irish ancestor [1 article]
- Irish architect [1026 articles]
- Irish architect & contractor [3 articles]
- Irish architectural and decorative studies : the journal of the Irish Georgian Society [165 articles]
- Irish architectural review [137 articles]
- Irish architectural review : RIAI Triennial medal awards ; RIAI regional awards 1999 ; architectural competitions 1998-1999 [44 articles]
- Irish arts review [245 articles]
- Irish arts review : OPW Heritage Services : Special Edition [5 articles]
- Irish arts review yearbook [125 articles]
- Irish arts review: Irish architecture at the 11th Venice International Architecture Biennale 2008 [10 articles]
- Irish builder [46 articles]
- Irish builder and engineer [87 articles]
- Irish building [816 articles]
- Irish building services news [2 articles]
- Irish construction [1 article]
- Irish construction industry magazine [1453 articles]
- Irish construction overview [1 article]
- Irish construction times [98 articles]
- Irish engineers [15 articles]
- Irish geography [93 articles]
- Irish Georgian Society newsletter [16 articles]
- Irish Georgian Society review [17 articles]
- Irish homebuyer [12 articles]
- Irish interiors [5 articles]
- Irish journal of environmental science [11 articles]
- Irish library news [1 article]
- Irish planning and environmental law journal [225 articles]
- Irish Planning Institute newsletter [14 articles]
- Irish sword [4 articles]
- Journal of architectural and planning research [1 article]
- Journal of architectural conservation [1 article]
- Journal of architectural education [1 article]
- Journal of architecture [1 article]
- Journal of environmental planning and management [3 articles]
- Journal of historical geography [1 article]
- Journal of Irish urban studies [45 articles]
- Journal of leisure research [1 article]
- Journal of planning and environment law [7 articles]
- Journal of rural studies [11 articles]
- Journal of the Garden History Society [2 articles]
- Journal of the Old Drogheda Society [1 article]
- Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland [4 articles]
- Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians [2 articles]
- Journal of the Town Planning Institute [1 article]
- Journal of urban design [1 article]
- LAN local authority news [633 articles]
- Landscape [2 articles]
- Landscape architecture [5 articles]
- Landscape design [25 articles]
- Landscape Ireland [6 articles]
- Landscape issues [1 article]
- Lecale miscellany [1 article]
- Link [1 article]
- Living design : architect designed homes in Northern Ireland [206 articles]
- Living heritage [62 articles]
- Local authority journal [95 articles]
- Local authority journal yearbook [22 articles]
- Local authority times [33 articles]
- Local economy [16 articles]
- Local environment [2 articles]
- Long room [1 article]
- Lotus international [5 articles]
- Municipal journal [4 articles]
- National development [361 articles]
- National Trust magazine [2 articles]
- New civil engineer [11 articles]
- New construction trade [31 articles]
- New society [1 article]
- New steel construction [8 articles]
- North [2 articles]
- North Munster studies [1 article]
- Northern builder [168 articles]
- Northern Ireland libraries [2 articles]
- Northern Ireland quarterly house price index [1 article]
- Northern life [1 article]
- Obelisk [1 article]
- Observer Magazine [1 article]
- Off-site construction magazine [10 articles]
- Official architecture and planning [2 articles]
- Oibre [24 articles]
- Omnibus [1 article]
- Passive House Plus [147 articles]
- Perspective [1522 articles]
- Perspectives on architecture [2 articles]
- Plan [2291 articles]
- Plan architectural review [211 articles]
- Plan compendium [12 articles]
- Plan technical [1 article]
- Planner [12 articles]
- Planning [111 articles]
- Planning and administration [1 article]
- Planning practice and research [13 articles]
- Planning theory and practice [7 articles]
- Planning week [7 articles]
- Pleanail [89 articles]
- Pleanail : journal of the Irish Planning Institute [30 articles]
- Policy and politics [9 articles]
- Political geography [9 articles]
- Prefabricated building systems [6 articles]
- Prefabricated building systems yearbook [1 article]
- Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History Society [1 article]
- Professional geographer [1 article]
- Progress in Irish urban studies [15 articles]
- Progress in planning [1 article]
- Progressive architecture [1 article]
- Project management [131 articles]
- Project management yearbook edition [17 articles]
- Public money and management [1 article]
- Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme [1 article]
- Qualitative Urban Analysis: An International Perspective [1 article]
- Quarterly bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society [70 articles]
- Queen's now [1 article]
- Refurbishment [4 articles]
- Regional studies [31 articles]
- Regions magazine [1 article]
- Renovate your house and home [10 articles]
- Review : the magazine of the Foyle Civic Trust [1 article]
- RIAI bulletin [17 articles]
- RIAI news archive [1 article]
- RIAI year book [6 articles]
- RIBA journal [83 articles]
- RSUA yearbook and directory [66 articles]
- Scope [1 article]
- Scottish geographical magazine [1 article]
- Select : furniture & interiors of Ireland [15 articles]
- Select architecture [25 articles]
- Social and economic administration [2 articles]
- Social housing [46 articles]
- Space and polity [5 articles]
- Specify [424 articles]
- Steel construction news [1 article]
- Structural engineer [16 articles]
- Studies [1 article]
- Studies: an Irish quarterly review [1 article]
- Sub Urban to Super Rural [7 articles]
- Surveyor [3 articles]
- Surveyor and municipal engineer [2 articles]
- Tabs [2 articles]
- Taisce journal [1 article]
- Technology Ireland [67 articles]
- Tegral review [23 articles]
- The builder [3 articles]
- The Green Book : the journal of the Architectural Association of Ireland [21 articles]
- The Irish architect & contractor [34 articles]
- The Irish contractor [22 articles]
- The new housing 2 : building better communities [1 article]
- Topos [7 articles]
- Town and country planning [42 articles]
- Town Planning Institute journal [1 article]
- Town planning review [29 articles]
- Tracings [30 articles]
- Traditional homes [1 article]
- Traffic engineering and control [4 articles]
- Transactions of the RIBA [1 article]
- Transportation [1 article]
- Tubular structures [6 articles]
- Twentieth century architecture [1 article]
- UA international [667 articles]
- Ulster architect [1462 articles]
- Ulster builder [7 articles]
- Ulster commentary [26 articles]
- Ulster folklife [4 articles]
- Ulster journal of archaeology [53 articles]
- Ulster survey [1 article]
- Urban design [8 articles]
- Urban design quarterly [1 article]
- Urban morphology [1 article]
- Urban studies [30 articles]
- Vernacular architecture [1 article]
- Victorian Literature and Culture [1 article]
- Werk, bauen + wohnen [1 article]
- Wood Awards [1 article]
- Woodwatch [1 article]
- World architecture [40 articles]
- World of interiors [3 articles]